Choosing Your Inner Circle

The type of friends you have in your inner circle significantly define your success or failure. They largely influence the progress you make towards achieving your dreams. 

"Show me your friend and I will show you your character." - Unknown

The 8 People You Need On Your Team:


Your inner circle is weak without creators. Creators are builders. Builders motivate. They help you maintain hope for the future. They help you build an unshakable faith in yourself and your dream. They help you become conscious of your strengths, skills and talents, and they advise you on how best to nurture and use them.


Fighting to reach your dreams is like running a marathon for a medal. It’s only champions who get the medal. Championship is contagious so you need to have champions in your inner circle. Champions stand up for you and your beliefs and they praise you to everyone else they know.


Collaboration is a success secret. You therefore need to have in your inner circle persons who share similar interest with you. With these friends you can create a common destiny. Collaborators are the kind of friends you are most likely to spend most of your time


Your ability to meet other people that will help advance your goals and dreams is tied to the presence of connectors in your inner circle. It’s important you recruit connectors into your inner circle.

Connectors get to know you and then instantly work to connect you with others who share similar interests and/or goals with you.


You need another kind of friends called chargers. Chargers energize and cheer you up when you’re down and always available to boost your spirits. They can be likened to a car battery or a mobile phone charger.


Consciousness-awakener stretches your viewpoint. They introduce you to new and better ideas and opportunities. They help you to dream big.


Counselors are the kind of friend you recruit because of their ability to guide you when you need one. They help you to think through issues and evaluate options.


Your inner circle is weak without companions. We all need companions. They are the first people you call, with good news or bad news. They are always there for you. They are the people whose shoulder you can always lean on.

It’s time you surround yourself with people who have great and ambitious plans, meaningful and life transforming purposes, and big winning targets and dreams. Who is your starting 8?


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